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Prioritizing Women Health and Wellness

30th Sep, 2020
Prioritizing Women Health and Wellness

At Cadila Pharma, our leaders strive every day to live up to our ethos of care. One such topic which is close to the heart of all our leaders is the focus on women’s health. Our teams put efforts every day to support women’s health and bring medicines that improve the quality of life throughout the globe. While our internal teams work to build an inclusive environment where every Cadilian thrives, our leaders also propagate the message of inclusivity and women’s health across the globe. Being a forward-looking Indian Pharmaceutical company we have proven time and again that we look beyond gender and empower all of our associates, customers and consumers to follow their dreams.

Mr. Pramod Kumar Rajput Senior Vice President of Cadila Pharmaceuticals shed light on the importance of women’s health and fitness at the National Women’s Health Summit by Magicka. A passionate leader, he shared his views on the importance of women’s health especially in the new normal. Mr. Rajput in his address focused on the main key factors for women’s healthcare.

Despite the gloom of COVID -19 surrounding us, there are still a few things worth celebrating. Today, women are making their presence felt across the globe. Women leaders in every aspect are contributing actively to not only the global workforce but also working towards improving the global community. Michelle Obama, Jacinda Ardern and K.K. Shailaja are few leaders who are leading the world during these difficult times. We all are looking up to them for inspiration and guidance. They are changing the course of history and leading us towards the new world. While their passion is an inspiration and however, with greater responsibilities comes a greater focus on staying healthy and fit.

A woman plays a pivotal role in all our lives, be it as a leader, mother, sister or wife. Women are the fulcrum of the entire family either by being a working woman or a housewife. The illness or death of a woman possesses a graver and far-reaching effect on the well-being of her children, family and even community. Today, women’s health has gained importance in society and people are realizing that although women can be affected by the same diseases as men, their symptoms and treatments may not always be identical.

With the COVID pandemic disrupting the balance of life across the globe, a disproportionate amount of pressure has fallen on women’s health. According to the Health Management Information System (HMIS) regular health services — particularly those pertaining to women’s reproductive health and child immunization — have been badly hit by the coronavirus-induced lockdown since March.

Now, more than ever, women need to focus on their health and fitness. A woman’s health not just refers to her physical fitness but overall wellbeing. It is not determined solely by biological factors but also by effects of workload, nutrition and stress. The increase in physical and mental burden during the uncertain of the pandemic have their own consequences. Taking some chunk out of your day and spending it on yourself is very important. The two major barriers today stopping women from leading healthy lifestyles include lack of time and self-care not being a priority.

The importance of proper nutrition and diet for women cannot be overlooked. A balanced diet should include a variety of healthy foods from all of the food groups, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, low-fat or fat-free dairy and lean protein. One must always be conscious of staying hydrated throughout the day.

Another important aspect is taking small breaks and exercising. Good posture plays an important role in leading a healthy life. Being highly susceptible to calcium deficiency and bone-related issues women should make sure to devote time to strengthen their joints. Simple exercises, walks and yoga can help immensely.

Lack of sufficient education on women’s personal health, hygiene and sanitation can create a huge obstacle to women and girls. Even today, societal taboos and norms create a huge gap in educating adolescent girls about their bodies. The “Made of Iron” campaign by Cadila Pharmaceuticals, is concentrating on spreading awareness about anemia in teenagers and personal hygiene by engaging them in virtual conversations with renowned gynaecologists. Through this initiative, Cadila wants to empower teenagers across the country.

Vitamin D is another important micronutrient which is a basic, essential requirement when it comes to our body. After sunlight, milk is the highest source of Vitamin D. One should introduce vitamin D supplements in their diet in consultation with a physician to avoid various health adversities. We recently also launched a campaign called #VitaminD4Health in order to raise awareness regarding the importance of Vitamin D in everyday life. Through this initiative, we want to reduce the burden of Vitamin D related disorders in the world.

It is no secret that women today are overcoming barriers and are leading busier lives than ever before. It is imperative that women focus on themselves and their health in this ‘new normal’. Staying on top of one’s health and making positive changes that can last a lifetime, is equivalent to making an investment for the future. It is time to put women first and start a serious conversation about women’s health and fitness.

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