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Challenge the Challenges

10th Mar, 2022
Challenge the Challenges
One woman, many roles

A working professional, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a homemaker and a caregiver. Women have to perform many roles in a lifetime. Each role requires complete dedication, hard work, intellect and presence of mind. Therefore, it is essential to create an environment at workplace as well as in families which helps women in their multitasking way of life. Cadila Pharmaceuticals is one such workplace which creates a conducive environment for women. So, when Mansi Trivedi, Deputy Manager at Purchase faced complications during her pregnancy, the company, her bosses, her friends and her colleagues created a support system, which ensured a stress-free work process and a healthy delivery of her child.


I love my family and I love my job as well!

Mansi’s regular day at work involves dealing with a lot of vendors – a work which comes with a lot of intrinsic stress and pressure. These kind of situations create stress even during normal days and in the course of pregnancy, where a life is growing inside you, it can create health complications. Although, no major harm was caused, it was an alarm bell for Mansi. She had to cut down on the strain and pressure. Mansi discussed her condition and concern with her bosses and team members, who were more than willing to support her in every possible way. Whether it was creating a safety net by allocating multiple people to crucial vendors or ensuring that Mansi eats healthy food while on campus, her well-being was ensured.

However shortly, the world was hit with the second wave of COVID-19 increasing the risks and challenges. On Mansi’s request, the company and her colleagues facilitated work-from-home during peak months of the wave. Apart from the rightful six months of maternity leave, Mansi could also take two months of leave ahead of her delivery, because of the organization’s flexi leave policy.

Mansi is now a proud mother of two and stays in a joint family. Her husband is her equal partner in every sense and they together are nurturing their children and shouldering family responsibilities. In Mansi’s words, “I love my family and I love my job as well! And with the right kind of support from my seniors, my colleagues and my family, I am confidently pursuing my career and my job at Cadila.”


Cadila stands by the women of strength

There are several women like Mansi who manage household and work related duties simultaneously with equal precision. Portraying them as Goddesses with multiple hands on every Women’s Day creative is not the only way to show appreciation. The real appreciation is the acknowledgement of the diverse nature of their life, show consideration and be their strength. At Cadila, there is consideration, there is support and there is acknowledgement, sans the judgement.

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