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Misfortune to Fortune

13th Feb, 2019
Misfortune to Fortune

In 2015, our charity hospital – Kaka-Ba collaborated with internationally renowned NGO – Operation Rainbow Canada for undertaking plastic surgeries among rural poor. Within a short span, this collaboration has brought a new smile in over a hundred faces. Here is a story of MukeshbhaiValvi, a resident of Zankh village in Narmada District of Gujarat whose son Karan had undergone a free plastic surgery by Kaka-Ba for his cleft lip.

“My heart was beating with joy on September 14, 2014 when I rushed to the delivery room to be informed by the nurse that my wife and I were blessed with a baby boy. I was ecstatic to know that I would soon hold my first born child. I thanked the Almighty repeatedly for this gift. I patiently waited for my son to be brought to me – when that moment arrived, my smiles transformed into tears as the baby had a split on his lip and roof of mouth. My wife was sobbing and we were lamenting our misfortune. Our relatives and neighbors said we were cursed and even went as far as to suggest killing the baby. But, how could we?

We decided to accept the reality, our fate, and started raising our child who we named as Karan. We consulted several hospitals and renowned doctors who advised us to arrange for fifty to sixty thousand Rupees for surgery. However, that was far beyond our means – we were struggling every month to make ends meet. Our frustration was high seeing Karan growing up without his mother’s milk – the deformity on his mouth did not allow for normal feeding. He was given cow milk only through a bottle using a plastic mouth-roof for two years.

In November 2016, we received a call from Kaka-Ba Hospital about fixing Karan’s deformity. That call produced a ray of good hope and we reached the hospital next morning.  The team there conducted some basic check-ups and the very next day Karan underwent plastic surgery. We were surprised to see a team of dedicated Canadian doctors performing the operation.

We are extremely happy now with Karan’s new avatar, and that too with no cost to us. We were provided excellent care with accommodation and food at the hospital. At the age of two after surgery, Karan’s face was rid of the deformity – we are both thrilled and relieved to see his beautiful face and offer him cooked food that he could now eat normally.

We will always be thankful to Kaka-Ba Hospital for their selfless support. We are fortunate enough to have Kaka-Ba Hospital in our region that extends quality health care support to the needy people like us without any cost, preference and prejudice.”

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